For general enquiries about the NMBAQC Scheme, please contact Claire Taylor. The Technical Secretary is funded jointly by the Environment Agency and the Joint Nature Conservation Committee.
A full list of committee members can also be found here
For further information about the NMBAQC's Scheme components, please contact:
- Epibiota Component: Kate Wade (JNCC)
- Fish Component: Jim Ellis (Cefas)
- Invertebrate Component: Myles O'Reilly (SEPA)
- Particle Size Analysis Component: Claire Mason (Cefas)
- Macroalgae Component: Gillian Annett (DAERA-NI)
- Phytoplankton Component: Rafael Salas
- Zooplankton Component: David Johns - temp (CPR Survey, MBA)
- eDNA Component: Kate Wade or Vera Fonseca
- Contractor's representative: Ross Griffin (Ocean Ecology)