Epibiota Operational guidelines
NMBAQC Epibiota interpretation guidelines, 2016
Turner, J.A., Hitchin, R., Verling, E., van Rein, H., 2016. Epibiota remote monitoring from digital imagery: Interpretation guidelines.
NMBAQC Epibiota operational guidelines, 2015
Hitchin, R., Turner, J.A., and Verling, E., 2015. NMBAQC/JNCC Epibiota Remote Monitoring from Digital Imagery: Operational Guidelines. 25 pp, July 2015.
O'Connor, J. March 2022. Epibiota Annual Report 2020 & 2021
Benthic Imagery Action Plan
The Big Picture II: Benthic Imagery Workshop 2021
Hosted by JNCC on 2-4 March 2021
Development of a Benthic Imagery Action Plan for the United Kingdom
van Rein, H., Hinchen, H., Hawes, J., Durden, J., Benson, A., Lindenbaum, C., Boulcott, P., Webb, K. 2020. Development of a Benthic Imagery Action Plan for the United Kingdom. A report for NMBAQC by the Big Picture Plan Development Group.
Epibiota Workshops
The ‘Big Picture’ Benthic Imagery Analysis Workshop Report – March 2019
General summary of the workshop sessions and actions for the Plan Development Group (workshop task and finish group to create the Action Plan) can be found here.
Epibiota Video Workshop Summary Recommendations, 2014
Epibiota Video Workshop: Summary Recommendations. Version 4. Compiled by Sue Ware. July 2014
Epibiota Questionnaire Review
NMBAQC Epibiota Questionnaire Summary, 2010
Addison, P., 2010. NMBAQC Epibiota Questionnaire Summary - A review of current video analysis techniques in the UK, June 2010.
Epibiota Trial Video Ring Test Reports (2007-2009)
NMBAQC Video Ring Test: Executive Summary by AFBI, 2010
AFBI, 2010. Development of the NMBAQC Video Ring Test: Executive Summary by AFBI. A report to the NMBAQC and scheme participants, 8pp., March 2010.
NMBAQC Video Ring Test Final Report, 2010
Envision, 2010. Development of the NMBAQC Video Ring Test. A report to the NMBAQC and scheme participants, 33pp., March 2010.
Appendix 10 - NMBAQC Video Ring Test 1 Report, 2008
Envision, 2008. Interim Report: Results of Test 1. A report to the NMBAQC and scheme participants, 68pp., October 2008.
Appendix 11 - NMBAQC Video Ring Test 2 Report, 2009
Envision, 2009. Interim Report: Results of Test 2. A report to the NMBAQC and scheme participants, 23pp., March 2009.
Appendix 12 - NMBAQC Video Ring Test 3 Report, 2010
Envision, 2010. Interim Report: Results of Test 3. A report to the NMBAQC and scheme participants, 16pp., March 2010.
Appendix 13 - NMBAQC Video Workshop Proceedings, 2010
Envision, 2010. NMBAQC Video Workshop Proceedings. A report to the NMBAQC and scheme participants, 25pp., March 2010.
van Rein, H., Hinchen, H., Hawes, J., Durden, J., Benson, A., Lindenbaum, C., Boulcout, P. 2020. Development of a Benthic Imagery Action Plan for the United Kingdom. A report for NMBAQC by the Big Picture Plan Development Group.