The NMBAQC committee has organised, or collaborated in, a number of workshops with tuition from recognised experts in different fields. Participants have gained hands-on experience of various field and laboratory procedures and in-depth workshops focusing on particular problematical taxonomic groups or sampling methods.
- The JNCC hosted a three-day workshop,“The Big Picture: Benthic Imagery Analysis Workshop” (19-21 March) to bring together stakeholders from a wide variety of organisations across the UK, and beyond, to discuss benthic imagery issues, propose solutions and start to develop a collaborative Action Plan to drive the work forward. A general summary of the workshop sessions and actions for the Plan Development Group (workshop task and finish group to create the Action Plan) can be found here.
- In September 2013 Natural England held a workshop to discuss requirements for epibiota analysis and how best to obtain and use data produced. Many experts in the field were invited, including NMBAQC. The workshop looked at the many aspects of monitoring, including survey design, different types of equipment available, video and stills data acquisitions and video and stills data processing. The workshop recommendations can be found here.
- The NMBAQC's Epibiota Video Ring Test Pilot was run over 2008 - 2009 by Envision and involved three tests and a concluding workshop (13-14 May 2009). The final report, ring test reports and workshop proceedings from this video ring test pilot are available on the Epibiota Reports page. For information on this workshop, please contact Matt Service.
- Workshop to Discuss Quality Assurance Needs for Assessment of Video for Monitoring and Surveys, 11-12 April 2007. Workshop Proceedings.
- Acoustic Ground Discrimination Workshop, September 2003: Mapping Seabed Habitats in UK waters. Dunstaffnage Marine Laboratory, Oban. Organised by SAMS & DARDNI.Final Report on the 2003 Acoustic Ground Discrimination Workshop.